California agriculture is number one in the United States with a $43.5 billion farm gate value in 2011. California agriculture's economic viability is key to California's economic recovery. California agriculture jobs have a total direct impact of $340 billion in California, encompassing all of the state's geography (to learn more, see our Employment page). According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, the state accounted for 16 percent of national receipts for crops, and 7 percent of the U.S. revenue for livestock and livestock products.
Economics of Rice
A recent study by Texas A&M indicates California rice contributes $1.8 billion and 25,000 jobs to the state’s economy each year. California rice is the main export out of the Port of West Sacramento and is also a significant export out of the Port of Oakland. California rice is popular in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the Middle East. California rice is traditionally one of state’s the top 20 most valuable agricultural commodities. California rice is a primary source of jobs in many communities throughout the Sacramento Valley.
To learn more about rice, please click the following link:
About California's Dairies, Inc.
California Dairies, Inc. (CDI) produces 43 percent of California’s milk or nine percent of the milk produced in the United States on 400 dairies. A manufacturer of quality fluid milk products, butter and milk powders, California Dairies, Inc. has sales of more than $4 billion across all 50 states and in more than 50 foreign countries.
California Dairies, Inc. prides itself on producing the highest quality products while providing customers of all sizes with exceptional service. As a member-owned milk marketing and processing cooperative, California Dairies, Inc. is co-owned by 400 California producers who ship 17 billion pounds (7.7 million metric tons) of milk annually. Member dairies are located from San Diego County in the south to Sacramento County in the north.
As the second largest dairy processing cooperative in the United States, California Dairies, Inc. is able to serve a variety of customers. In constant communication with its customers, California Dairies, Inc. works to immediately adjust to and meet its customer’s needs, large or small. California Dairies, Inc. produces the highest quality products in the country.
To learn more about California agricultural economics, please read the following reports: